Collaboration And Advocacy Climate action starts with young people

What we do

We mobilize and engage individuals and youth groups
to build a common agenda

youth-led climate initiatives


Our Community offers a safe and inclusive community for youth to meaningfully engage in climate action. We connect, support, and amplify the work and voices of young activists, initiatives, innovators, and grassroots youths to address climate change. We believe that together we can achieve more. That's why, instead of working in isolation, we mobilize and engage individuals and youth groups to build a common agenda, share priorities, increase trust, and foster an abundance mindset as we champion climate action.

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Climate Action Café

We offer an inclusive space for climate activists, individuals, and youth climate organizations to connect, spark new ideas, support existing initiatives, mobilize resource, and co-create climate solutions, share ideas, and mobilize resources for climate action.

Ecosystem Building and Networking

Beyond co-creating and fostering collaboration among activists and local youth organizations, we aim to connect them to a wider ecosystem of partners, experts, supporters, funders, networks, events, and collaborations within and beyond.

Mentorship and Coaching

Need help getting your idea off the ground? We match grassroots activists, changemakers, and organizations with mentors and coaches that support them as they ideate, build, and launch their climate initiatives and projects.

at the heart of climate change

Leading Improbable Youth Engagement in Climate Action Implementation Process

While young people are at the heart of climate change, system change will require the right stakeholders. That is why we work with stakeholders to build the appropriate framework and tools for youth engagement in climate action implementation processes. We bring together Inter-generations, authorities, local communities, businesses, grassroots youth, policymakers, media, and funders to engage and develop the necessary framework and tools that ensure effective youth engagement and support for youth-led climate action.

Learn more about our framework and Tools

Giving young people a voice, a chance and a platform to speak and be heard

Youth Climate Advocacy

Giving young people a voice, a chance and a platform to speak and be heard

We are mobilizing thousands of grassroots activists and youths and giving them a voice to share what matters most to them, their stories, challenges, and ideas with the world. Climate Action Start with young people. Listen to them speak

Learn More

Eco Voices

Eco Voices From The Grassroots